On our last post we saw how my life was as a
teacher at Lushoto and we ended up talking about every teacher being
transferred away.I was the last teacher of that time who got transferred.
Do you know where
I went after Ntambwe Secondary School?. Do you know what happened where I
went?. Lets go together to this next working place where I lived very strange
life which I didn't even expect to live like that in my life.Here we will start
with my journey to the Island.
When I saw the
name of the place where I was suppose to go I got shocked.MAFIA ISLAND!!. I
didn't know this place before. At first I knew it was in Zanzibar and every
person I asked about the place told me that it was in Zanzibar. But all in all
it reached the day that I had to go to Mafia.So I did!.
I took the
daladala to Mbagala(Dar es salaam) where I had to take another van to Mkulanga
Pwani.From Mkulanga I had to take pikipiki( motorcycle) to one village in
Mkulanga called Kisiju.Now the transport from Kisiju to Mafia was very big challenge. First I never before traveled in water,second the transport was
called jahazi; It is a kind of bot which move on the water by the help of
wind pushing the kind of sheet hanged up.
Now because the
kind of transport we wanted to use depend on the movement and speed of wind as
well as the direction of wind,there was no guaranteed time which you could say
now we are moving!. Any time the wind is strong the journey starts.
I reached to Kisiju
around 6:00 pm but according to indigenous I had to wait until 11during the
night when the wind by then and according to their experience would be strong.
I waited until that time while tried to make some friends and ask several
questions about Kisiju. I got lot of stories about fishing activities,small
islands near Kisiju and their histories and others. One of the Island I got
stories about is called Nyororo Island.This is an Island which according to
villagers,it has only men living in it.It is having 300 people all of them men.
They said the moment women go in there they disappear forever!(strange right!).
Another sory was about fishermen.There was a group of fisher men who were everyday going fishing during the night.The style of fishing they were using was not good style because they were using bombs which after exploding kills every creature around plus destroying the eggs of sea creatures.
One day these fishermen set for fishing as usual. They reached far away from the shore where they thought they could get good fishes as well as big ones too. They dived in the deep water with their equipments. After setting their bombs down there,they were suppose to swim back to the bot before the bombs explode because it was dangerous for them to be down there. This is because big fishes like sharks could sense faster as soon as the bomb explode and they could go on the spot because they know there would be a lot of free fishes.
Three fishermen could manage to go back to the bot,but one was a little bit late before the bomb exploded. On the same time he felt like something was coming.He knew what was that thing and tried his best to swim.Unfortunately sea is the the home of shark.This means it could move faster than a fisherman. Suddenly the fisher man felt like something cold cut his hand and the color of water changed....Any way lets continue with our journey!.
So as you can see I was not bored to wait until the time to move. When it was time to move they put cement on the bot and we were the last one to climb on the bot.The captain told us the rules of the bot!. No bot fare,everyone is working to change direction of the sheet,you need to have your own water because the journey will take 12 hours on the sea!! and we must tolerate bad language during the journey.
I wont forget that day!. Sometime you feel like you go under water.We reached to the point that you cant see anything except for water all over.I asked the captain how he knew the way and he told me that they are usually using the stars to know the directions.
We travelled on that sea for 12 hours and we reached Kilindoni shore at 11 during the morning.I was smelling fish all over my body because I slept in the jar where they used to put fish.This was my first experience travelling on the water during the mid night.Next post we are going to see more about my life at Kilindoni.Did I work at Kilindon or I moved far than there? see you next post.
Thank you and please do not get tired to visit again teacherdeo.blogspot.com.
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